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販売価格 :


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販売価格:¥14819 税込


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当日発送可 (14:00までのご注文が対象)

  • ご注文内容・出荷状況によっては当日発送できない場合もございます。


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"The first time I buy from this store. A good bunch of cards came inside a protective foil to prevent scratches. The condition of all the cards is practically new. The package took some time to arrive because I ordered from overseas using the Rakuten Global Express shipping option. There were no problems with the tracking and shipping whatsoever. I'm very happy with my purchase! (Since I bought a lot of different cards and stuff from the store this review will appear as a ""copy-paste"" in the other cards reviews as well)"

  • megmegtone
  • 21歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


配送も内容も大変満足いきました。 また機会があれば購入したいです。

  • のび太0508
  • 29歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


40パック買いました。 1番最後に記載されていたカードが入ってました。 買取金額450円程度。 その他は有象無象価値のつかないカードでした。 オリパの闇を見ました。

  • りりしさ
  • 37歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件



  • 子育て奮闘中0424
  • 25歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


配送の速さは凄く早く、梱包も問題無かったのですが 届いて開いてみると、気泡のようなものがある… 金額がそれなりにするので、そこまでチェックしてから、配送して欲しかったです。

  • viper500
  • 33歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


"The first time I buy from this store. Each and every card came in a protective foil. The condition of all the cards is practically new. The package took some time to arrive because I ordered from overseas using the Rakuten Global Express shipping option. There were no problems with the tracking and shipping whatsoever. I'm very happy with my purchase! (Since I bought a lot of different cards and stuff from the store this review will appear as a ""copy-paste"" in the other cards reviews as well)"

  • 41歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


"The first time I buy from this store. Each and every card came in a protective foil. The condition of all the cards is practically new. The package took some time to arrive because I ordered from overseas using the Rakuten Global Express shipping option. There were no problems with the tracking and shipping whatsoever. I'm very happy with my purchase! (Since I bought a lot of different cards and stuff from the store this review will appear as a ""copy-paste"" in the other cards reviews as well)"

  • Rintar0
  • 29歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


"The first time I buy from this store. Each and every card came in a protective foil. The condition of all the cards is practically new. The package took some time to arrive because I ordered from overseas using the Rakuten Global Express shipping option. There were no problems with the tracking and shipping whatsoever. I'm very happy with my purchase! (Since I bought a lot of different cards and stuff from the store this review will appear as a ""copy-paste"" in the other cards reviews as well)"

  • ねおのんの
  • 37歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


"The first time I buy from this store. A good bunch of cards came inside a protective foil to prevent scratches. The condition of all the cards is practically new. The package took some time to arrive because I ordered from overseas using the Rakuten Global Express shipping option. There were no problems with the tracking and shipping whatsoever. I'm very happy with my purchase! (Since I bought a lot of different cards and stuff from the store this review will appear as a ""copy-paste"" in the other cards reviews as well)"

  • furuike7230
  • 45歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件


丁寧な梱包で迅速に発送していただきました。 ありがとうございました。

  • maro335015
  • 33歳
  • アトピー
  • クチコミ投稿 1件